Wishing for the Good Old Days

All week long I’ve had problems with my internet connection and my phone service. Annoying when I have so many things that need to be done quickly in the run up to publication of THE BRACELET. These tech glitches, and the daily reminders about Halloween safety on TV have me wishing for simpler times when kids could be kids, running door to door collecting Halloween treats without worrying about being poisoned or finding ground glass or razor blades in a Snickers bar. I don’t understand the mindset of people who deliberately try to harm little children.

I miss paper and ink. Don't you?
I miss paper and ink. Don’t you?

I love the immediacy of email. But I also miss writing and receiving letters and notes handwritten in pen and ink. There is something so beautiful and genteel in it, don’t you think? And yes, the US post office sometimes loses letters or mis-delivers them, but I sometimes think that in adopting new technologies we often lose more than we gain.

What do you think? What new technology do you loveĀ  most? Which one could you happily live without?

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