Be the first to read CAROLINA GOLD

Want a first peek at CAROLINA GOLD before its official release in December?  I have three Advance Readers Copies ( ARC)   to give away.

Just leave a comment  right here on this blog ( NOT on Facebook!!)  between now and midnight  Sunday, September 1st.

Three readers will be chosen at random to get a first look at this new story. Winners names will be posted here on Tuesday, September 3rd and on my Facebook page:

Good luck!



91 thoughts on “Be the first to read CAROLINA GOLD”

  1. I love the cover and would enjoy reading an ARC of Carolina Gold! Thank you for the chance! 🙂 I hope you have a terrific rest of your day! 🙂

  2. Brittany McEuen

    Thanks for the chance to win one of the ARC’s for Carolina Gold! I recently read Every Perfect Gift and enjoyed it so much.

  3. Martha J. Sturm

    Your other books have been sweet, romantic, and historical. Look forward to reading more.

  4. I would love to get a copy of Carolina Gold. Nice of you to give use a chance to have this book.

  5. “Be the first to read CAROLINA GOLD”
    I so know your writing is the Greatest I have ever came across and so wish to get one of these.
    Love reading your works and promoting your books.

  6. Loretta Shumpert

    Dorothy, would love to read a book written by you. To date, I have not read on.

  7. Dorothy, Blessings. I can’t wait to read your book. I enjoyed the past 3, Beyond All Measures, Beauty for Ashes, and Every Perfect Gift and I know I will enjoy this one as well. I would be much happy to have a chance to read the ARC of Carolina Gold. Thank you for giving us all the chance to win this book. Have a great day and good luck to all of us entering this beautiful giveaway.

  8. I have read all of your books & I just know this will be another great story. Can’t wait to read it & it would be great to have an ARC & I can post my thoughts so when it releases, others know how great it is also. Love your work.

  9. I’ve been “watching” this come about on your FB posts, and would love to read it. Thank you for the opportunity to win it.

  10. Yes! I would love to read your new book. I really enjoyed the others and have been patiently waiting for the next. Plus, I have a golden too!!

  11. Helen M. Gardner

    I would love to read your new novel “Carolina Gold” and thanks for the giveaway.

  12. Susan Snodgrass

    I love Dorothy’s books and have been blessed so much by them. Please enter me. I’d be tickled to win an ARC.

  13. I love reading and I would be thrilled if I won!! This book is going to be great, I can tell by the cover.. Even if I don’t won, but I hope I do, I still want to read it..

  14. I recently discovered your writing and am having a hard time putting the Hickory Ridge Romance book Beyond All Measure down. The charecters seem so real. The plot line mixed with historical occurances has me eager to read the other books in the series.

  15. would love to read and review this book for you, I read often and have read some of your work.thanks for sharing

  16. Would love to read this before it hits the shelves! And I agree with everybody else, love the cover, especially the colours, there really is a ‘golden’ glow on it!

  17. Sherry Murchison

    I would love to be able to read advance copy of “Carolina Gold”!!!! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  18. Would love to win Carolina Gold. I love your books and lived in NC during my college years!

  19. What a beautiful cover! Thank you for the chance to possibly receive an advanced copy.

  20. I love the books cover and would love to read this book. I have not read any of your other books. I love discovering new authors!

  21. I look forward to reading your new book, Carolina Gold and would be thrilled to win an ARC.
    ???? Feeling hopeful!

  22. Sandi Keaton-Wilson

    What an enticing cover. It looks like an interesting read. Thank you for the chance to win your new book!

  23. Oh I love the cover of Carolina Gold. I would love to win one of the ARC books .
    Thanks for the giveaway Dorothy .

  24. I have never read any of your books but love reading and would love to read one of yours. Thank you for this opportunity.

  25. I would LOVE to read it! I can tell just by the cover and name that it’s going to be good!

  26. I love the cover of this book and would love to win a copy of this. Can not wait to read this one . Thank You

  27. Looks like a wonderful book. I love to read. Would enjoy winning books. I’d leave a great review if I won.

  28. I loved all three of your previous works and know this one will be awesome also! I would love the chance to read an ARC !

  29. I would love a chance to read Carolina Gold in Advance. It is a lovely attractive cover that makes you want to see what’s inside…and since I’ve read some of your books I know it will be great!

  30. Incredible cover! It is so refreshing to go back and get lost in time. It is medicine to my soul!

  31. So excited about your new book! My favorite era to read and write about! Congrats to you and congrats to the winner!

  32. Hi,

    I’d love to win a copy of this book. I’ve read the others and really appreciated the attention to historical details, as well as the story-telling & characterization.

    Thank you!

  33. What a true blessing it would be to my southern heart to win a copy of Carolina Gold, I will pray very hard I get to receive mine!! Here is the official, beautiful South Carolina State Song, I thought I’d share with ya’ll of the rich history told so eloquently!! xoxo


    words by Henry Timrod and music by Anne Custis Burgess
    edited by G.R. Goodwin

    Call on thy children of the hill,
    Wake swamp and river, coast and rill,
    Rouse all thy strength and all thy skill,
    Carolina! Carolina!

    Hold up the glories of thy dead;
    Say how thy elder children bled,
    And point to Eutaw’s battle-bed,
    Carolina! Carolina!

    Thy skirts indeed the foe may part,
    Thy robe be pierced with sword and dart,
    They shall not touch thy noble heart,
    Carolina! Carolina!

    Throw thy bold banner to the breeze!
    Front with thy ranks the threatening seas
    Like thine own proud armorial trees,
    Carolina! Carolina!

    Girt with such wills to do and bear,
    Assured in right, and mailed in prayer,
    Thou wilt not bow thee to despair,
    Carolina! Carolina!

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