All I Want for Christmas: A Writer’s Wish List

The Christmas catalogs are arriving at my house in a flurry. The other day I noticed a page in one of them devoted to writers. The gift suggestions included an oversized coffee mug, a gift card to an office supply store, a box of chocolates, a tee shirt with the message: Ask Me About My Novel. Here’s what I think most writers, myself included, would love to find in those stockings this year:

The Gift of Time. Many writers must  fit writing time around the demands of another job. Most women writers I know must also take care of grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning,  laundry, childcare, bill paying, toilet scrubbing, dealing with sick kids and sick dogs… never stops. Wouldn’t it be nice if a spouse, friend, or older child took over even one of those chores on a regular basis? Even an hour a week adds up to 52 extra hours of writing time  in a year.

The Gift of Encouragement. Some writers are lucky enough to be surrounded by spouses, friends, and children who do support their writing. Others, not so much. Even one person who “gets” you, who rejoices when you succeed and comforts you when you fail can make a big difference.Is there someone you can seek out who will be an encourager for you?

The Gift of Expertise. I’m lucky that my husband understands computers. I rely upon him to trouble shoot, install and update software and keep all my electronics in good working order. What I’d love now is someone who could manage my reader database, make trips to UPS, keep my website current, and help with email. A gift of office expertise would be welcome at my house this year.

What about you? Are you getting the time, encouragement and expertise you need to realize your writing goals? What’s on your wish list this year?

4 thoughts on “All I Want for Christmas: A Writer’s Wish List”

  1. Oh, Dorothy, you are so right! Those gifts would be wonderful! At ACFW, Lisa Wingate told me her mother is her assistant. Isn’t that terrific? My mom is great at helping with research. The only thing I’d add to your list is a marketing assistant to write Tweets for me! Blessings!

    1. Hi Cathy, I agree! I can’t think of anything to tweet about that does not seem either hopelessly banal or annoyingly self serving. Maybe a marketing genius can come up with pithy remarks. 🙂
      Blessings to you, too!!

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